If you are feeling the spirit of Reiki calling you then it’s time to receive the teachings and initiation of this healing energy. One, of the many gifts of being initiated into this specific ray of healing light, is that you are activated into channeling healing energy for yourself and others.
Imagine how your life would be if YOU were able to place your hands on your body and channel a healing frequency of energy to relieve pain, to balance your emotions, to calm the mind, and to open the heart to connect to the spirit within.
Reiki is a simple, powerful, and effective healing modality. Once you have received the Teachings of Reiki, you will immediately be able to access higher spiritual healing energy to begin to heal yourself and others.
Is Reiki for you?
If you are suffering from a chronic physical, emotional, mental illness then its time to heal and move forward in your life. If you are wishing to awaken spiritually or to increase your vibration to a higher level.
If you are feeling the call to work in the Holistic Industry, or desire to help others who are suffering during these intense times on the planet then Reiki is for you…
The teachings and initiation of Reiki are taught in three levels:
Shamanic Reiki Level I
A transformational journey into the ancient healing arts of shamanic reiki.
Receive a sacred initiation into the Usui System of Reiki to expand your consciousness and open your crown, third eye, and heart chakra to begin to channel higher frequencies of healing energy. Expand your spiritual practice with self-healing, chakra activation, meditation, and mindfulness
Open a medicine wheel for healing and protection. Discover ways to use crystals, essential oils, smudge sticks to cleanse for deeper healing and grounding. Gain the skills to begin your path as a Reiki healer. Connect to your Higher Self, spirit guides, earth keepers for guidance and assistance.
250.00 U.S
More info: divinelightactivation@yahoo.com
ONLINE Training
Join me in a deep healing journey into the Energy Medicine of Reiki.
Discover how the ancient medicine women aligned universial energy to the earth frequencies to bring healing to the body, mind , spirit.
A training that combines the traditional Dr Usui System of Healing with Shamanic Practises, and Yogic Breathing.
During this training I share 25 years of experience in the healing arts and share the mergence of Reiki and Shamanic Practises in a multi dimensional way to bring profound healing and spiritual awakening into your life.
An invitiation to heal, release and upgrade your energetic system with a 21 Day Self Healing practise.
✨You will receive:
Dr Usui Reiki Initiation;
Meditation Practise;
Self Healing Skills;
Chakras, meridians, connection to physical, astral, mental, spiritual bodies;
Shamanic Practices for clearings, protection and grounding;
How to work as a Reiki Healer professionally;
Level II Training
Dr Usui Healing codes
Long distance healing sessions
Intuitive Healing
Sound Healing with Reiki
Crystal Bowl Healing
✨A 4 week On Line course meeting for 2 hours a week.
Level 1 300.00 u.s
Level 1 and 2 Costs 555.00 U.S
Trainings recordered
Level 1 300.00 u.s
Level 1 and 2 Costs 555.00 U.S
Trainings recordered
Dm for more information.
Email: divinelightactivation@yahoo.com
Receive the last of the Dr Usui Master Reiki Initiations and gain all the teachings you need to pass this powerful energy medicine of Reiki on to others.
In the Masters you will receive.
Energy body initiation
Light body upgrade
Advanced reiki healings skills
Soul Retrieval
Physic Surgery
Crystal Grid Work
Past life clearings
In the Teacher training you will include.
Final Dr Usui Attunement
Tibetan Healing Symbols
Working with the Ascended Masters and Council of Light
How to hold sacred space
The art of teaching reiki for modern times
How to initiation all levels of Dr Usui System of healing
Basic shamanic practises
Breath work
Please join me in this training.
Pre requiste Dr Usui level 1 and 2 Training.
Reiki Master Teacher
Master Teachers
All manuels for all level trainings provided, with certification.
Dm for more information.
Email: divinelightactivation@yahoo.com
Shamanic Reiki Masters On Line Course
Costs: 350.00 U.S.
Shamanic Reiki Masters is a journey into expanding your light body and consciousness to begin to work with the Master Symbol of Reiki to support healing from a soul level.
During this 4 week immersion we will work with
- Receive Master Initiation
- Ascended Master Invocation
- Soul Retrieval
- Past Life Regression,
- Physic Protection
- Grounding, Space Clearing
Register via email for zoom link.
Email: divinelightactivation@yahoo.com
Dr. Usui Reiki Master/Teachers
This course is offered to all who have completed Level 2 Reiki Teachings from any lineage.
Reiki Masters is the final initiation into the Usui System of healing and is suggested for all healers who wish to begin to work on the Soul Level. The Earth is increasing her frequency and yet again we are asked as Reiki Healers to step into the next level of our healing journey to step into Self Mastery and begin to hold higher frequencies of the healing light for yourself, your clients, and the earth.
During this immersion, you will be initiated into the Master Symbols of Reiki to begin to work with the Blue Print of your Soul.
Once you have been initiated into the Master Level of Reiki. You will begin a 21-day self-healing journey of transforming limiting beliefs, fears, and any programs of separation that you may be held within your energetic, emotional, mental physical body. to support you in the embodiment of your Divine Presence through your multi-dimensional body.
You will learn:
Soul Purpose
Physic Clearing
Medicine Circle Protection and Activation
Past Life Regression
Soul Retrieval
Divine Presence Meditation
Self Healing
I look forward to sharing this sacred initiation to the Ancient Healing Arts of Shamanic Reiki.
Costs: of 2 Day Course, Manual, and Certification
$500.00 U.S.
For those wishing to receive the Reiki Master Teacher a further one day is required with a 6 month, continual online – guidance and activation to support you to begin Teaching all levels of Shamanic Reiki.
Costs of Reiki Masters/Teachers is $1000.00 U.S. including level Reiki Master Teachings.
Please contact me directly for further information.
There are limited spaces for this workshop so please confirm your space as soon as possible.
Email: divinelightactivation@yahoo.com
Egyptian Reiki Mystery Teachings Immersion
A course for lightworkers, healers, spiritual aspirants who feel the calling to align with the healing energy of Egypt for transforming past life memories, or to further your healing work on others. Be initiated into healing codes from the Mystery School of Egypt – channeled by Thoth – To Remember the Essence of Who We are, to walk in balance of our masculine and feminine, healed and whole.
You will learn
Activation into codes from the Mystery School of Egypt
Sound Meditation
Journey into the healing chambers to break contracts, belief systems, from this lifetime
Learn how to use these codes for self-healing
Activate your voice and healing codes to incorporate into the healing session
Forgiveness Meditation
Group Sound Healing.
For more info please email: divinelightactivation@yahoo.com
Anuibus Reiki – Initiation into the Ancient Codes of the Mystery School of Egypt.
Original channeled by Valerie Reading and is for those who have been attuned to Level 2 of Reiki. A profound journey into the chambers of the Ancient Mystery School of Egypt awakening cellular memories from that life for healing and transformation. You receive an initiation into the sacred sounds and ancient codes from these times to awaken the Sacred Feminine energy to assist you in Remembering “Who You Are”.
A sacred journey of forgiveness, empowerment, and unconditional love as we journey back to the pyramids of Egypt.
Costs: $500.00 U.S.
For more info, please email divinelightactivation@yahoo.com