Divine Energy Medicine 1:1 Sessions/Mentorship

1:1 Energy Medicine Sessions 

Healing and Readings
Sonic Light Alchemy; Arcturian Star Light Activation, Reiki Healing,Womb Healing, Akashic Soul Reading

Arcturian Star Light Healing

A 5th Dimensional high vibrational healing transmission using sacred codes and mantras channelled from the Arcturian Council, to release  ancestral wounds, deep seated traumas, fear, depression, stress, anxiety, past life wounds or any physical, emotional, mental dis-ease.

An Arcturian Healing Session can assist in closing 3rd dimensional patterns, beliefs, masculine and feminine distorted DNA code. It will active your multi-dimensional light body, anchoring your spirit, soul and body into a 5th dimensional consciousness.

You may feel the yearning to connect with our inter-Steller galactic family and awaken your own star seed consciousness, or light language, then a session from your Arcturian Star Council is for you.


60 Minute  170.00
90 Minutes 222.00

Sonic Light Alchemy 

A 5th Dimensional multi-dimensional sound healing to alchemise your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.  It supports in clearing the shadow aspects of ones’ soul, any entities, distortions, addictions, stress, anxiety, depression, and womb issues, menstrual problems and any inner child traumas, that may be stuck in your physical or astral body or any timeline of your soul of this life or past life.

A Sonic Light Alchemy healing is any one of, or a combination of;  oracle channellings, breathing techniques, celestial sounds, healing light codes, crystal bowls, drums, rattle.

You may feel stagnate in your life and need to shift energy so you can assess the next level of your souls’ evolution than this session would be recommend as it will align your spirit, soul, mind and body into a higher dimension assisting in awakening the next cycle of your Souls Mission.

You will receive an Oracle Soul Channelling with the session.

90 Minute Session 170.00 u.s.

Reiki Healing Session

Reiki Is a subtle yet powerful healing modality to support your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies to come into balance and harmony.  A healing frequency that supports physical illness, mental stresses, anxiety, confusions, depression, addictions and any inner child traumas that may be held within your physical, mental, emotional or energetic bodies.  Each Reiki session will be supported by the angels, the ascended masters and sacred codes and mantras brought to us from Dr Mikao Usui the founder of Reiki.  A profound technique of energetic healing, to balance your chakras, and raise your frequency realigning your Higher Self, Soul and Body to higher states of consciousness to the pure love of the universe. 

60 Minute 120.00 u.s.
90 Minutes 150.00 U.S.

Womb Healing

Womb Healing is a session for any Women who wishes to awaken the Divine Feminine Energy and heal the wounds of the feminine that may be held within the womb and presents itself with any  distortions of physical, emotional, mental imbalances within the monthly menstrual cycle.  This session will support any  physical illness of the womb, or any hormonal imbalances, or chronic wounds connected with the menstrual cycle, or any issues connected to your feminine ancestral lines.  It can support to clear away blockages around conception and assist each women to reclaim the power of the Feminine Energy through awakening a healthy relationship with your womb.

90 Minute Session
150.00 U.S.

Akashic Oracle Reading

On Line and In Person

Akashic Soul Reading is to support you to Discover your Soul’s Path through assessing an energetic library of information of your soul’s journey of any past lives, present incarnations and future possibly timelines.

An Akashic Reading supports you to receive clarity, or guidance in any area of your life.  During each sessions Devi will channel the messages, and wisdom from the Masters, Galactic Council and Angelic realms to assist in bringing through the highest guidance for your Soul.  

In each session you will receive a healing transmission from the Council of Light Beings supporting you to clear any energetically distortions that may be limiting the fullest potential of your Soul’s highest potential manifesting.

Costs: 150.00 U.S.

Spiritual Mentorship
Oracle Guidance

If you are going through a life changing experience, heart ache, feeling stuck in your job, your relationship, suffering chronic mental issues, or desiring to deepen your spiritual connection, or practices.

A spiritual mentorship could be for you?  

Devi offers a minimum  of 3 session mentorship to a 6 session mentorship where you will meet bi weekly.

Each session will be customised to your souls current life journey and will incorporate Oracle Soul Guidance, Quantum Healing, a personalised spiritual practices such as breathwork, meditation, mindfulness, ritual, devotion, embodiment practices, yoga, how to assess your magic, voice activation, assessing your creativity, 5th dimensional conscious living.

Each session will support you to align to your intuition, your organic cycle, and support you to make choices for your career, relationships or spiritual practices that are aligned to your Heart and your Higher Mind.

3 Sessions
90 Minute Recorded
500.00 U.S.

6 Sessions
90 Minute Recorded
1000.00 U.S. package