Feminine Mysteries Women’s Immersion

23rd to 27th August 2024
Non Residential
At Radiantly Alive Yoga St

To Register: dm or email to divinelightactivation@yahoo.com for further information
or book www.radiantlyalive/trainings

Costs 555.00 U.S.

Please join Devi Ma and Caroline Pontual in a 5 Day journey into the Feminine Mysteries of the Golden Age, a temple of Self Healing, Shakti Embodiment, and Energetic Upgrades into 5th Dimensional Frequencies through sonic light alchemy to Awaken your Divine Feminine Essence.

During this immersion You will be held in a sacred portal of light held by the Counsel of Divine Mother, Angels, Masters and Galactic Family to support in deep healing and transformation of the feminine wounds of fear, competition, betrayal and any ancestral codes of disassociation of the feminine that you may carry through the Priestess line.

A journey into the Feminine Healing Arts of womb awakening,  sonic voice activation, find your soul light language, water temple purification and  practices, women’s embodiment practices with feminine flow yoga, dance, shakti and womb practices,   Ritual, and sacred sisterhood. 

Daily you will explore a different Goddess from the Council of Divine Mother, (Divine Mother Isis, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Mother Kali, White Buffalo Women) to assist in awakening a deeper connection to their presence, wisdom, healing qualities, and archetypical energies that are supporting the Awakening of the Divine Feminine in your life and upon the earth at these times.

You will receive 5th  Dimensional  healing transmissions to purify your chakras, upgrade your energetic body, release 3rd dimensional ancestral patterns, programs and distortions, and to expand your heart consciousness.

A journey into the Feminine Healing Arts of womb awakening, sonic voice activation of the sound of your soul.  Shakti Embodiment Practices with yoga, dance and womb practices.  Ritual, Celebration and Sacred Sisterhood.


During this immersion we will delve into:

♦ Shakti Activation Yoga Daily Practice

♦ Womb Healing – Self Love, Sexuality, Inner Power, Womb Health,

♦ Shamanic Inner Journey – Open your Multi-Dimensional Body

♦ Past Life Clearing – Priestess Line, Sisterhood wounds, Feminine distortions,

♦ Sonic Light Sharing – Awakening your Light Language, 

♦ Cacao Ceremony Temple Dance – 5th Dimensional Embodiment

♦ Water Temple Purification

♦ Wisdom Teachings

♦ Matrix to Magic

♦ Sacred Sharing Circle 


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Devi Ma is an Oracle of Multi-Dimensional Wisdom, Medicine Women, Reiki Master, Sonic Light Alchemist, Women’s’ Empowerment Facilitator and Founder of the Priestesses of the Golden Age Mystery School, for modern times.

Devi Ma has been in the healing arts for over 25 years, assisting women in healing the wounds of the ancestors, of the distortions of the masculine and feminine through the transmission of high vibration frequencies of light and sound, and oracle channels from the Council of the Divine Mother for the awakening and empowerment of Women through the Realignment and Remembrance of who they are.

Devi Ma has a compassionate heart for the wounds of humanity and holds a sacred space of loving presence, playfulness and ancient wisdom. She is passionate about Empowering Women to remember the path of the Divine Feminine and to reclaim the Power of Love the thread that unites us all, and to use that Power to co-create the Golden Age upon the earth, a time when balance, love, light, peace and wisdom is restored in the hearts and minds of all Beings.